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PODCAST Poverty Porn: DR STEVEN PAYSON on Extreme Global Hunger. How the World Bank & UN Misleads Public
World poverty and extreme poverty worldwide are a present and dire reality and danger. According to the World Bank, about 650 million people in the world live below the extreme poverty line, defined as earning less than $2.15 per day. In the United States and other industrialized countries, living on less than $2.15 a day (absolutely, and without additional social assistance) would surely make a person homeless and starving. However, is that also the situation for those poorest 650 million in developing countries who are said to be living below this poverty line? In this Exclusive expose, DR STEVEN PAYSON, an economist at the US Department of Labor, and professor at the University of Maryland, presents an alternative economic reality. Global poverty is undoubtedly dire, distressing and calls for appropriate policy responses and generous humanitarian aid. However, as DR PAYSON, argues in his latest volume of work, Extreme Poverty in the World: How the World Bank and United Nations Measure It (Fake Economics, Exposed: Its Pervasiveness, Harmfulness, and Prevention), a new presentation of the statistic facts are required, statistics based on purchasing power parity and not on “statistic poverty porn.” DR PAYSON argues that the prices actually paid by the poorest people on the planet can, in fact, be acquired and used by economists to derive more accurate measures of their actual level of well-being. “In this way,” DR PAYSON maintains, “the world can have a better understanding of extreme poverty in its truest sense, and can direct assistance to where it is genuinely needed the most.” Order the book here, https://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Poverty-United-Nations-Measure/dp/B0BRLX6H7K
PODCAST RAYMOND ARROYO of FOX News discusses The Wise Men Who Found Christmas, his new Christmas book
New York Times bestselling author and award-winning broadcast journalist RAYMOND ARROYO of FOX News and EWTN, is out with his beautiful Christmas book The Wise Men Who Found Christmas and is back again on The DIG LIFE DEEP! Podcast to share the good news with host JOHN AIDAN BYRNE. In this thrilling, visual adventure capturing the wonder of the Christmas season, ARROYO tells the true, hidden story of the mysterious Magi, who risked everything to discover the truth in this episode. Based on new historical evidence, The Wise Men Who Found Christmas is the miraculous, untold tale of three seekers who followed a star and found themselves in the middle of the greatest story ever told. Stunningly illustrated by Diane Le Feyer, this enchanting family keepsake is sure to become part of your Christmas tradition – and a reminder that chasing truth is often the greatest adventure of all. Also on this episode, recorded just prior to the US midterm elections, ARROYO sums up his view of the great American experiment in democracy and where the nation stands today.
A financial industry vet, NORM PAPPOUS, presents the cold clinical reality of what he sees as deceptive Wall Street practices to accumulate the retail investors’ assets without accountability and proper transparency
Read MorePODCAST RABBI ABRAHAM COOPER of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, discusses the surge in anti-Semitism
Rabbi Abraham Cooper, a native New Yorker who grew up playing baseball with Irish and neighborhood kids in Rockaway, Queens,. is Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading global Jewish human rights organization. Rabbi Cooper has been a longtime activist for Jewish and human rights causes on five continents. In 1977, he came to Los Angeles to help Rabbi Marvin Hier found the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Together with Rabbi Hier, Rabbi Cooper regularly meets with world leaders, including Pope Francis, presidents, and foreign ministers to defend the rights of the Jewish people, combat terrorism and promote multi-faith relations worldwide.Rabbi Cooper is an acknowledged expert on online hate and terrorism and has helped produce and present the SWC’s renowned traveling exhibitions at the Vatican, the UN, Knesset, US Congress, Tokyo, New Delhi, and Buenos Aires. He is a founder of the Global Forum on Anti-Semitism, and Newsweek ranked Rabbis Cooper and Hier as #8 among the 50 most influential rabbis in America. Rabbi Cooper has worked extensively with Arab leaders in the Gulf States and witnessed the historic UAE/Bahrain/Israel Abraham Accords ceremony at the White House. In 2022, Rabbi Cooper was appointed Vice Chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom which tracks violations of religious freedom around the world. Rabbi Cooper co-authored with Rev. Johnnie Moore, The Next Jihad, based on their interviews in Nigeria with scores of Christian survivors of deadly Islamist terrorist attacks. His op-eds appear in major US and Israeli outlets, in Asia and in the Arab News and Al-Arabiya. Rabbi Cooper is a recipient of Yeshiva University’s Bernard Revel Community Service Leadership Memorial Award, a recipient of an honorary doctorate from Yeshiva University and the Orthodox Union’s National Leadership Award.
Read MorePODCAST PROJECT 21’S CRAIG DeLUZ on why convervative black leaders demand Verizon reinstate One America News on its television platform. DeLUZ, a successful media exec, discusses critical race theory and more
Black leaders from Project 21 demand that Verizon reinstate One America News (OAN) on its television platform. In a letter signed by 37 members representing the communities of business, politics, media and faith, Project 21 explained that Verizon did “a tremendous disservice to its subscribers, investors and free speech [and]… is silencing black voices” when it canceled OAN. Verizon stopped carrying OAN on its Fios platform at the end of July. Its cancellation marked the end of a 17-year relationship between the news channel and the carrier. Left-wing groups are aggressively pushing media companies to drop the conservative-leaning OAN from their platforms. In the letter, Project 21 said: “Do what’s right for black America, for your investors and for the country by reinstating OAN immediately.” In the letter addressed to Verizon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Hans Vestberg, the three dozen Project 21 signors criticized the abrupt decision that appeased political special interests over viewers, noting this imperils access to information and debate: “Allowing a political pressure campaign to decide which news and information programs Americans have access to undermines free speech and sets a precedent that will only encourage further demands. This is particularly dangerous as this pressure appears to only go one way – anti-conservative and, in this case, anti-black.” “You have now projected weakness, inviting those further demands,” Project 21 warned Vestberg. It was suggested Verizon’s capitulation could lead to the removal of other channels in the future. Among those who signed the letter to Verizon are Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper; Stacy Washington, a host on SiriusXM satellite radio; Alveda King, founder of speakforlife(.org) and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Star Parker, president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE); Julian Boykin, CEO of Acquisition Consulting Experts; Reverend Albert Sampson, president of the Chicago’s Metropolitan Council of Black Churches and Chris Arps, host at NewstalkSTL-St. Louis. A full copy of the letter and its signers is available at https://nationalcenter.org/project-21-oan-letter. Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives for over 25 years, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research. Its members have been quoted, interviewed or published over 40,000 times since the program was created in 1992. Contributions to the National Center are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated, and may be earmarked exclusively for the use of Project 21.
Read MorePODCAST JULIAN RAVEN’S TRUMP-INSPIRED ART REJECTED BY SMITHSONIAN: Artist goes to court, fights Smithsonian ‘corruption’
Julian Raven’s art and love for his adopted country and its freedoms collided in the 2016 presidential election to raise questions about the First Amendment and the authority of the Smithsonian Institution.In his new book, Odious & Cerberus: An American Immigrant’s Odyssey and His Free Speech Legal War Against Smithsonian Corruption, artist Julian Raven details how he used his art to participate in the American political process—and the enormous personal toll it took.“Breaches of trust and the silencing of any person’s First Amendment protected free speech within institutions of learning, regardless of that person’s political leanings, trip the alarm of injustice and freedom,” said Raven.Raven’s painting Unafraid and Unashamed featured Donald Trump alongside a bald eagle, was his enthusiastic expression of support for his choice for president. He used his own resources to transport the painting to Iowa to campaign for Trump in the caucuses. After several attempts to present the painting to Donald Trump, and after showing it at a political art convention, he offered to loan the painting to the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution.Raven filed an application with the Rockwell Museum Art in Corning, New York, a Smithsonian affiliate, to loan the painting to the museum in Washington prior to the inauguration, he was curtly told by Director Kim Sajet the painting was “not painted from life,” “too pro-Trump” and, finally, “no good.” This led to a lawsuit and a pro-se appeal that went as far as the Supreme Court.Mr. Raven has proposed and advocates for a Constitutional amendment to define the legal status of the Smithsonian as a private trust or an instrument of the government and require greater transparency in its operations.Julian Raven was born in England, raised in Spain and became a United States citizen in 2015. He is a commercial artist.
Read MorePODCAST CAPITOL HILL TO CHARTER SCHOOL: Former Hill staffer, author Animal Town, A.D. ULTMAN, examines corruption at core of political system from his new perch today as a charter school teacher.
A.D. Ultman grew up on a farm on the Great American Plains. He was educated at leading public universities on the East and West Coasts, studying cognitive science and political theory. He began his career as a U.S. Senate staffer and then spent eight years building and leading a successful corporate market research and consulting practice in Washington, DC. He resigned his position in 2017 to travel and study political systems around the world. Since then, he has been an independent writer and teacher and now a teacher at a Charter School, in the US, a “public school” run as a school of choice for parents and student, free of many state and local regulations, as well as ideologies, imposed upon traditional public schools. Ultman holds a B.S. in psychology and political science and a M.A. in political science. Inspired by George Orwell and intended for readers ages 12 and up, A.D. Ultman’s Animal Town masterfully explains today’s political landscape and cautions against extremism on all sides. Animal Town is a book made for the political moment but rooted in perennial wisdom-and could not be timelier message for the youth of America. Animal Townis a nuanced and sophisticated treatment of contemporary politics, grounded in the words and actions of American political and cultural leaders. It is related through the compelling story of a young jackrabbit’s struggle to understand the nature of freedom, a weasel’s quest for wealth and power, and the conflicting dogmas preached by a zealous fox and a radical gopher. In Animal Town’s anthropomorphic world reminiscent of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, predator and prey species of the American prairie have built a democratic, capitalist society where animals live together in harmony. Then, for the first time in memory, a predator kills a prey. The tragedy triggers a resurgence of species-based politics that threatens the very existence of Animal Town. Animal Town https://animaltownbook.com is described as a prescient cautionary tale exposing the danger of far-right and far-left political extremism.
Read MorePODCAST PRISON HELL: Michael Churchward, a celebrity mega yacht captain sent to notorious prisons for a crime he never committed, after docking in Turkey, discusses his book on the ordeal, God Waits Outside
God Waits Outside (Dragon Tree Books, 2020) by Michael Churchward is the compelling and gripping real life story of Churchward, a renowned yacht captain who was arrested and thrown into a Turkish prison for a crime he did not commit. God Waits Outside recounts Churchward’s ordeal which is a tale of suffering, endurance, courage, and ultimately the triumph of the human spirit. The book is riveting account of Churchward’s yearlong saga caught in the twisted justice systems of two countries – Greece and Turkey all because of a baseless charge. It examines the injustices in the world, the corruption of the legal process, the squalor and suffering of a Turkish prison while caught between the justice systems of two foreign nations, and ultimately a triumph for Churchward and for justice. Churchward who had never found himself to be a deeply religious person discusses in the book, the fear of abandonment and the discovery of faith. This real -life saga will keep readers enthralled to the last page. “Writing God Waits Outside was both cathartic and a labor of love,” said Michael Churchward. “I found that I had so much inside me that I had not discussed in the past about my ordeal that I wanted to be told. I am glad that it can reach an even wider audience in an audiobook edition. “I hope when readers read God Waits Outside, they come away inspired with the belief that no matter how dark and hopeless a situation might be, there is always light ahead,” continued Churchward. “And on a lighter note, the book will confirm that a Turkish prison is really as bad as it is claimed to be and even worse.” Michael Churchward has packed a ton of fascinating details and his philosophy of life into his new book. He tells of the generous help of Ross Perot, the former US Presidential candidate in Churchward’s pursuit of freedom, and the welcome intervention of actor Dustin Hoffman in his saga. Also playing a hugely critical role in his release from the forces of darkness, is the anonymous Mr. R., one of the wealthiest men in America, and Churchward’s former longtime boss. Churchward is a world-renowned yachting captain with has broken world several records in his career. Today he resides in Pompano Beach, Florida. God Waits Outside is available on Amazon.
Read MorePODCAST JEFFREY ROBINSON on Today’s Soaring Global Money Laundering, Illicit Drugs, Dirty Money & Political Corruption
Jeffrey Robinson is the bestselling author of 30 books, and a popular speaker on the international after-dinner circuit. Born in Long Beach, NY (1945), he began selling freelance articles and stories to small magazines before his 15th birthday. Later, while attending Temple University in Philadelphia (BA-1967), he wrote for television and radio, was a staff writer at KYW-TV3 (1965), scripted a popular local children’s show and was on the writing staff of “The Mike Douglas Show” (1966), a nationally televised daily talk show. After serving as a press and public relations officer in the United States Air Force (1967-1971), he took up residence in the south of France where he spent the next 12 years vagabonding around the world, writing articles and short stories for leading North American and British periodicals. In 1982, now earning his living as an established freelance journalist and short story writer, he moved to London England to write books. His money laundering tour de force, The Laundrymen (1993) was a headline-maker in 14 countries, establishing him as a recognized expert on organized crime, dirty money, fraud and money laundering. Actively maintaining that reputation through books, television programs and speaking engagements around the world, the British Bankers’ Association has labeled him, “the world’s most important financial crime author.” In addition to books on dirty money, he has published investigative non-fiction, major biographies and novels. Source: jeffreyrobinson.com
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